Find your style and find yourself.


We’re only in this body once. We only get this physical representation of our true inner selves for one lifetime. One short lifetime. 

Why wouldn’t you treasure this time and love the form you have and use it to express yourself fully? Why not be completely yourself?

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…and I’m on a style journey.

Sharing what I’ve learned, conventional and non-conventional.

I don’t believe that your style can be summed up in the three styles magazines like to divide women into (edgy, classic, boho). 

I don’t believe that you HAVE to wear certain clothing because of your body type, skin color, face shape, etc. 

None of that. 

I help break down concepts in the way that I learn them, and help you make sense of them. The best stylist you’ll ever have is yourself.

We are NOT women who can be put into one style box. You are diverse and multifaceted and our style should be too.